Terms & Conditions | MWGUNSAFES

Terms & Conditions of Use
Shipping and Delivery Policy
IN-STOCK AND OUT-OF-STOCK ORDERS In most cases, your safe (or one similar to it) will be in-stock at Mike Ward’s Liberty Safes, LLC. If the safe is OUT-OF-STOCK, we will add it to our next shipment at no additional fee (special orders are usually shipped within 6-10 weeks). If you request your order be expedited, a special handling and shipping service charge of $500 will apply.
CURBSIDE DROP OFF is limited to delivery of safe to curbside of residence or business typically within 50 miles of dealership (after 50 miles, a per mile fee is charged). Safe pallet is not removed during curbside delivery. IN HOME - MAIN FLOOR installation is limited to typical first-floor access involving 0 to 4 outside steps. A flat level concrete or paved pathway is required. Customer is responsible for ensuring the pathway, deck, steps, staircase and foundation is adequate to support the weight of the safe, safe transporting equipment and installation crew. Certain stairways, marble floors, or other obstacles may involve additional charges. Pallet is removed from safe during main floor and stair carry deliveries. 
IN-HOME DELIVERY IS WITHIN FIFTY MILES OF THE MIKE WARD’S LIBERTY SAFES IN BATON ROUGE, LA. After fifty miles a $5.00 per mileage fee will be added.
PLEASE NOTE: DIFFICULT DELIVERIES due to outside terrain, types of stairways, second floor or multiple floor installations, marble/tile/wood floors, etc. may involve additional charges to complete the delivery. We reserve the right to decline installations and or delivery involving risk of personal injury or property damage. Property title of merchandise purchased will transfer to buyer at dealer's location. If you have any questions regarding delivery requests, please contact us at 225.448.3234.
Return Policy on Gun and Home Safes from Mike Ward’s Liberty Safes in Baton Rouge, La. Are as follows:
  1. No more than 30 days from date of purchase.
  2. No more than 15 days from date of delivery.
A 15% restock fee will apply in addition to a pick-up fee no more than what was paid for the original delivery.
A 25% restock fee will apply on any safe picked-up from retailers’ location, an additional 25% will be added if buyer does not return safe in original packing and bolted to pallet.
All other merchandise has a 30 day full money back guarantee as long as all packing is returned as well. This will include but not limited to safe accessories, handgun vaults, and, etc….
PLEASE NOTE: DIFFICULT DELIVERIES due to outside terrain, types of stairways, second floor or multiple floor installations, marble/tile/wood floors, etc. may involve additional charges to complete the delivery. We reserve the right to decline installations and or delivery involving risk of personal injury or property damage. Delivery charges and options may vary. If you have any questions regarding delivery requests, please contact Mike Ward’s Liberty Safes, LLC.